The drawers near our recep table at work, is truly
something else. Last year, i opened one of em to retrieve some old admin files. I left them open thinkin i'd grab somethin else later. I don't know HOW but the moment i had the swinging chair turned, my right thigh brushed against the sharp edge of the said drawer. I got home to discover a massive bruise on my thigh. And to put things in perspective, i
STILL have the bruise mark now. Crazy how a plastic drawer can make that kind of impact.
Either that or i'm fragile AF. Anywayyyyy, a few days ago, i went to the same cursed drawer. Took some paperclips out so we could use em as tools for clay. I pushed the drawer back in and it hit against my poor pinkie. Yo, i was extremely sleepy that morning but the moment i felt the intense, sharp pain, my body is fully
Now the area underneath my finger nail is bruised. How even?
Yana's going for her maternity leave soon and i'm readying myself to be as busy as i can get @ work. I love being busy. My thoughts can get incredibly loud and they always consume me. But when i'm at work, fully immersed in every chaotic class, i don't even have the time to think.
I'm okay now. I'm in a better place, i guess. I don't feel unsafe anymore and that's honestly more than i could ever ask for. I'm enjoying and appreciating my alone time. I've grown more introverted than ever too. I have a lot of new books that i've yet to drown myself in. I'm eating well and i'm trying to stay consistent with the vitamins i'm consuming. I'm also very careful with the energies i surround myself with. I don't care much about what people think because this time, i only care about what i think.
This year is a good year, i call it.